SMALL BUSINESS GUIDE: Create an accurate invoice

Home / SMALL BUSINESS GUIDE: Create an accurate invoice

How you create your invoices and what kind of content they have on them, can say a lot about you as a professional. That is why when drafting your invoices you need to think about the accurate content you put it, the design and the professional attitude behind them.

Here are our tips on what you need to have in mind when you construct your invoices:

Leave the best impression – with your invoices you send a message about your business. So when your clients receive that invoice can which more information about what you do. So if it’s not-well designed or it does not give the specific indication about your business, often can leave a bad impression on you as a professional.

Keep the number correct – the invoice is a request for payment so you need to be super careful while adding the correct amount of payment. So track your hours and product sales accurately, send the correct amount for payment and keep the same timing while sending the invoice – good time management can take you a long way.

Keep sending invoices regularly – it’s the most important part of your business. As if you not getting paid it’s bad for your cash flow and you won’t have a business by the end of the day.

Select a delivery method – some companies tend you have paper invoices, either prefer online documents as they are more flexible, they can more around faster, can be processed, indexed and search easily.

Create well-designed invoices – everyone loves beautiful invoices. If you don’t have design skills there are a lot of invoicing solutions that have pre-designed temples which can fit your needs.

Personalize and add your business information in the invoice– your invoice is same as your business card. It needs to have all the information about your business provided so it can look professional and can make your business stand out.

Don’t get surprised – create an invoice with the amount that was already discussed with your client. If there is difference in the amount that needs to be paid, leave the difference out of the invoice and setting the misunderstanding additionally with your client.

Keep your items in order – there are several items that need to be added to your invoice like services performed, date and time range, hours worked, the quantity of items supplied, the rate per hour or item, amount, sub-total, tax amount and total. Some invoicing software has all this data pre-arranged so you do not forget some of them.

Add previously discussed payment methods – keep in mind not to forget the pre-defined terms about payment methods with your client before you send the invoice

Be professional and polite – at the end, this is still a business communication and part of the overall image of your company and business. So keep things professional if you want to retain your customers.

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2017-09-14 | Guide | No Comments